We are joined in the worldwide movement towards achieving a sustainable way of living on the earth.
our embedded existence
An integrated view of the world recognizes that the health of the planet is inextricably linked to the future health of humanity.
A dynamical systems view of humanity emphasizes the embedded nature of our existence: each living organism is understood to be a system within a holarchy – a meta-system of irreducible wholes that are themselves part of larger wholes, ultimately comprising all life on earth from a single cell to the entire planetary ecosphere. This understanding of our human condition leads to a realization that humans, on an individual and group basis, can only thrive sustainably within a healthy planetary system. As long as the actions of our species are creating imbalances within global systems, sustainable health for humanity is impossible to achieve. |
a coherent, sustainable worldviewThe Liology Institute consequently views one of its major objectives as participating in the worldwide movement attempting to evolve humanity towards a sustainable way of living on this earth. We intend our specific contribution to this global movement to be to offer a coherent worldview as a conceptual and spiritual basis for many of the diverse viewpoints represented in the worldwide struggle for sustainability, thereby potentially strengthening the sense of a shared mission. |